Ignite a Desire for Change
So many self-help books line the shelves at the local bookstore. Type in self-help on Amazon, and you get over 80,000 results. It can be a daunting task to choose just one book to help you on your journey to better health. Sometimes, all it takes is one book, one phrase, or one concept, to ignite a desire for change. Once that spark has ignited, it takes many more books, podcasts, and journals to continue to fuel the flame and impart information in a way that we can grow and learn, and become healthier and happier. Some tools may resonate better than others. The key is to continue to learn and seek out information that will help you create a healthy lifestyle, designed just for you!
“The Happiness Diet”
The Happiness Diet is one of my all-time favorite books. Written by Dr. Drew Ramsey and Tyler Graham, it is straight forward and easy to read. It helped me realize the impact that processed foods have on our bodies and our mental health. Everyone should read this book! The Modern American Diet or MAD Diet, as the authors like to refer to, is making us sick. Obesity, depression, and diabetes are on the rise. These epidemics directly correlate to the types of food we eat and the lifestyle we choose lead. The authors show how changes in our diets over the years has lead the current generation to be sick, mentally, and physically.
After going in detail regarding the change in diet and the importance of eating organic produce, grass-fed meats, and healthy fats, the authors also give solutions to help consume less processed foods. The book also contains nutritious recipes.
I highly enjoyed the little info boxes on almost every page that lists the top 100 reasons to avoid processed foods. Those tidbits of knowledge are shocking and made me cringe on more than one occasion; for example, reason number 3. A Dunkin’ Donuts glazed cake stick contains more than 40 ingredients, including five different types of gums and TBHQ, a form of butane used as a preservative. If that doesn’t shock you, then I don’t know what will. Those forty ingredients are all man-made and are linked to Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, and hormonal imbalance.
Never stop learning!
This book will start your wellness journey. It will teach you the differences between healthy and unhealthy fats, why organic is a healthier option, and why we should steer clear of fast-food chain restaurants. The Happiness Diet is one of the most important books you can purchase for nutritional facts. Use it to fuel the change to eliminate processed foods from your pantry and fridge, and most importantly, your life!
Originally published at https://pharmd-fitness.com.