Laura the Hero vs. Laura the Zero
Finding the hero within amidst the chaos of everyday life
Today I was contemplating my decisions over the few last months, weeks, and days of 2019. I was pondering these decisions because of internal struggles wrestling inside my brain for the previous two weeks. I’ve got so many goals and so many variations of my life plan competing for top dog, that I have become overwhelmed and disappointed with myself. I felt like I was slowly running out of gas. I had a slow leak somewhere, and I have to patch it.
This morning, I asked myself why? Why am I trying to accomplish all these “things?” What is the purpose of each one? Which one is the most important to me? How can I take care of myself mentally and physically? Are the expectations that I placed on myself too much?
Yes, I do put too much on my plate, and I always have. Yes, I am trying to do too much. Why? Because that is the expectation of a successful individual. So how can I accomplish less and still be successful? How can I figure out what is most important? How can I take care of myself? Instead of thinking about Laura the Zero, what do I love about myself that makes me Laura the Hero?
I started thinking about the type of character that faces hard decisions and impossible choices, and I realized that this character is essentially a superhero. So if I am struggling in my life and facing hard choices, then that means I am a superhero too. Yep, I said it; I am a superhero. I am a hero in the story of my hectic, busy life. That sentence, when said out loud, made me laugh. I grabbed a pen and paper and started journaling. Writing thoughts and emotions down helps get them out of your head and onto something tangible. While journaling, I started imaging myself as a superhero. (Picture graphic bubbles hovering mid-air and me sitting with a pen taping my chin, deep in thought).
Bubble 1-I have the power to stop the negativity!
Bubble 2-Take a deep breath!
Bubble 3-What is most important to me?
Bubble 4-What would Wonder Woman do? Get a lasso?
Bubble 5-That was silly Laura; you aren’t Wonder Woman, you are Laura! What would Laura do?
In every good superhero story, there is a conflict, a choice to be made, a fight, and sometimes a sacrifice. If I follow the storyline, then I can deal with the current struggles. What struggles you ask? The two most talked about in the health industry, exercise, and nutrition. You might think that since it’s my job to help people on a path to wellness, I have it all figured out myself. Not so! I am my own worst critic. I feel at times so overwhelmed with balancing my diet and trying to get my acid reflux under control, that I think my brain might explode. I also struggle with fitting in exercise into my already jammed packed days. Am I doing the right things? What should my goals be? Do I want to gain more muscle and get more flexible? Should I run more/run less? Get a rower for my garage and row each morning? These are the questions within my thought bubbles every day, and they are pressing down with more force all the time.
Now enters Laura in blue leggins, red boots, and a red tank top (yes, I look like Wonder Woman in my dreams). I use my super strong kick and knock the exercise thought bubble to the ground. I’ll ask a friend to create some exercise routines for me. Then I punch the nutrition/stomach health bubble sideways. I’ll get a comprehensive food allergy test done today! Round-house kick to gaining more muscle or be more flexible. As my niece likes to say, I want to be strong when I grow up, just like my auntie. Gain more muscle it is! Laura stands with her hands on her hips, in strong woman pose with a smile on her face. Forward progress, no matter how small, is forward progress.
There may be many of you right now dealing with plans, goals, family, work, friends, and the chaos of life. Don’t let all these “things” overwhelm you and sabotage your plan. Be the author of your own story. Create a character that you can use to quiet the negativity and overwhelming thoughts in your mind. Use your superhero to focus on one choice, decision, problem, whatever you want to call it, at a time.